How Long Is Warmed Breast Milk Good For

Many breastfeeding mommies are concerned about how to ensure the freshness of their delicious breastmilk. We want the best for our little one but will not want to shove them milk that has gone stale or even contaminated. Questions like how long is warmed breast milk good for are quite common.  

Based on my own personal experience and research, I hope that I can answer most of the commonly asked questions about freezing and refrigerating breast milk.

How long does breast milk last after warming

How long does breast milk last after warmingOnce you have warm up your breast milk, you can feed your hungry monster right away or if they are not hungry, put it in the refrigerator for up to 4 hours. If the milk is not used do not refreeze it. You will have to throw it away. This also applies to leftover milk after feeding.

Can you save breast milk after it has been heated

Sorry mommies. I know squeezing out every drop of breast milk can be hard work but you really cannot save your expressed milk every time The answer is a big fat no. It should not be kept at room temperature for too long. Breast milk after being heated should be consumed within 2 hours or thrown into the bin.

Once breast milk is heated can it be refrigerated

Once heated you can still refrigerate it for up to 4 hours. However, if you want to play safe, it is best to be consumed within 2 hours after heating.

How long is a breastmilk bottle good for after feeding

After feeding breast milk should be refrigerated and consumed within 2 hours or thrown into the bin. Do not keep it at room temperature.  You can thaw additional milk bags if you have insufficient for the next feed.

Thawed breast milk 48 hours

It is safe to give your baby thawed breast milk within 48 hours if it has been refrigerated. If warmed it must be used within 4 hours before you have to discard it. Note: you need to avoid vigorous shaking of thawed breast milk. 

Can you freeze refrigerated breast milk

Yes, although refrigerated breast milk will only last up to 8 days even if you do freeze it. It is best to freeze it straight away if you plan to store for a longer period of time in the freezer.

What to do with frozen breast milk

Arrange in milk storage containers in your freezer. I have also written an article about supplies needed for breastfeeding. Ensure that all the milk storage bags are labelled with the date and time of storing. Always practice First In First Out (FIFO) principles to ensure that the oldest breastmilk is used first and is not overlooked and stored in the freezer for too long

What to do with too much breast milk supply

Thaw and drink it yourself. It may seem strange but you can also use the milk for your own beverages liked coffee or tea. In my case, when I have a lot of excess milk, I also pour it into the bath and do a milk bath for the little one. You can also donate excess milk through an organization like the Human Milk Banking Association of North America

How to store breast milk after pumping

Pour the expressed breast milk from the collection bottles into empty milk storage bags. Label them with the date and time before storing them in your freezer. If you plan to use it within a day or two, put them into the refrigerator instead of freezing.

How to store breast milk at work without fridge

Pour the expressed breast milk from the collection bottles into milk storage bags. Put the milk storage bags into a cooler bag. Label them with date and time. Ensure that you have an ice pack to keep the temperature low for the day. I would recommend using reusable ice packs, less mess and saves time and money

Unpack all the milk storage bags either into your fridge or freezer as soon as you you reach home. If you are using a reusable ice packs, remember to put them into the freezer ready for use.

How much milk should I be producing when exclusively pumping

This will actually depend on the age and weight of your baby. Normally your body will react and producing sufficient breast milk according to your little one’s intake. You may like to check out this article about exclusive pumping.

Breast milk storage guidelines

The following table is breast milk storage guidelines taken from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

breastmilk storage guidelines

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


How long can refrigerated breast milk be left out at room temperature

Freshly pumped breast milk or refrigerated breast milk can be left out at room temperature for up to 4 hours.

Once refrigerated breast milk is heated, it should not be refrigerated or frozen again. It is advisable to consume it within 2 hours.

There you go, folks. I Hope I have managed to answer the question of how long is warmed breast milk good for. Do bookmark this article for future reference if you find it useful. Leave a comment below if you have any other questions. You may also like to check out what are the 8 Tips to Reach Infant Developmental Milestones by Month and How Much Breastmilk Should A Newborn Eat.

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Tanya Madsen

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