
Category Archives for "Breastfeeding Tips"

Do Lactation Cookies Work In 2022

Recently, my breastfeeding friend asked me “do lactation cookies work?” Recalling my previous breastfeeding journeys, I remember feeling depressed and worried that my low milk supply may not be sufficient for my little one. I did not want to switch to formula as I know my breast milk is the best nutrition at least for […]

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Does Breast Size Affect Breastfeeding

I’m a member of several communities and forum helping moms raise their babies. One of the popular questions I’ve come across is: Does Breast Size Affect Breastfeeding? This question has also sparked debates about the relationship between breast size and milk supply. I will try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about […]

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8 Importance of Breastfeeding

I have always being a huge supporter of breastfeeding as I have breastfed all my 3 kids for at least the first year.  I understand the internal and external challenges nursing mummies face but we cannot neglect the importance of breastfeeding to our little one.  Human milk is one of the best things we can […]

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