How To Calm A Restless Baby

How to calm a restless baby can be challenging even for experienced parents. The main reason is that there are no babies that behave in the same way. The excessive crying can even make a parent feel resentful towards the little one. In this article, I would share some techniques I used myself and what I have learnt from other mummies facing the same problem. 

How to soothe a baby to sleep

During the first several weeks at home, most babies are generally not fussy yet and easily soothed. They tend to be relatively easy to care for, mostly eating and sleeping. If the cry is related to hunger, it normally subsides after feeding.

However, if the baby is still crying after feeding and changing his/her diapers, it may mean they require some soothing. He/she will probably be ok after you pick up and hold them in your arms. 

What causes baby restlessness

There are many reasons that can cause baby restlessness. Colic can be one of the reason which happens to around 20 – 25 percent of babies. You may also like to check out what is the best formula for colic in the market.

If it is not due to colic and all basic needs like feeding, changing of diapers and sufficient sleep are fulfilled, you may need to look out for signs that your baby might be coming down with something.

Rashes on their skin, unusual behavior, feeding less, cough and flu or fever can be signs that cause baby restlessness. Visit your pediatrician if he/she is showing the above symptoms.  

How do you calm a colicky baby

One good way to calm a colicky baby is to change their dietary habits. Clinical studies have shown that reducing lactose in baby’s feed have helped to reduce the symptoms of colic. (Source) However, it is recommended to always consult your pediatrician before making any changes to your baby dietary habits

How to calm a crying baby in 15 seconds

The fastest way you can try to calm a crying baby in 15 seconds can be as simple as offering them a finger or pacifier. You may also like to use a carrier for newborn to walk them around the house or go outside. 

How to calm a crying baby in 15 seconds

Fussy newborn all day

If you are facing a fussy newborn all day, here are some of the baby care techniques to soothe your baby.

  • Make sure your baby basic needs are met. This will including feeding, burping and changing the diaper. You may also want to make sure the clothing is not too tight and your baby not too cold or too hot. Also, consider whether he/she is just tired and need to sleep.
  • Hold your baby on his side and walk around the house with a little bounce in your step. Baby love rhythmic movement, and this simple motion might calm him right down. Be sure to cradle his head carefully.
  • Swaddle your baby.
  • Place your baby in a swing. However, if he’s really upset, try to calm him down a bit first by rocking and bouncing him gently. Stay close to him for a few minutes to ease the transition.
  • Put on some relaxing music to calm your baby
  • Take your baby out for a walk in the car. Make sure you have a newborn car seat equipped.(Check out the safest and affordable Infant Car seat in the market) The baby may fall asleep in the car and you can find a drive-through to get some coffee or snack.

How to soothe a crying baby without holding them

If none of your soothing efforts works, simply place your baby in a safe place(such as a bassinet or crib) and let him cry for a while. Check on him every five to ten minutes to make sure he’s all right. For convenience, you can also install a baby monitor with sensor mat to monitor him/her from range. 

If you can, call your friend, neighbor or family member to come over and relieve you for a bit. The key is to be patient, take regular deep breaths and count to ten when feeling frustrated. 

Things to help baby sleep 

Swaddling and sucking are the most important soothers that will calm and relax your baby during the first few months. Because her nervous system is still highly immature, swaddling her securely in a light blanket can help give her a sense of comfort and security. The feeling will be like what she had in the womb.

What can help babies sleep at night

What can help babies sleep at night

The pacifier is one of the tools you can consider to help your baby sleep at night. The American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP) recommends the use of pacifiers at nap time and bedtime throughout the first year of life. (Source

However, it is recommended that pacifier introduction for breastfed infants to be delayed for the first two to three weeks to ensure that breastfeeding is firmly established. 

Do not force the pacifier if your infant refuses it. Forcing will make the baby push it out of the mouth and negate the soothing purpose of it. Gently rub your baby’s lips with the pacifier and wait for him to be interested enough to draw it into his mouth.

Some other tips for effective pacifier use include:

  • Let your baby decide. Some babies are not interested in pacifiers and there is no cause for concern. You can try alternative ways like using finger but avoid using your nipple or bottle as a pacifier.
  • Buy one piece pacifier. Two-piece pacifier may break or those with a plastic handle may cause safety risk if broken. Try a few brands to test which one your baby like and stay brand loyal
  • Be careful with pacifier clips. Many of these clips come with long straps which can be a safety hazard when caught around your baby’s neck. Choose only those with short straps

Is there a sleep aid for infants

Most babies under three months are soothed by the sensations of being wrapped up in a blanket or swaddle cloth, as it mimics the secure, compact feeling of the womb. Try swaddling your baby with his arms at his sides, and then walk around with him. 

You don’t want to give up on swaddling right away. If your baby is crying and doesn’t calm down try give him a pacifier or finger to soothe him/her to sleep. 

If your baby is too sleepy during the day, try to swaddle him more loosely and leave his hands free. This will encourage him to wake up for feedings. If the baby is too active during night time, swaddle him a bit tighter with his hands down. 

This will help to increase his stretch of uninterrupted sleep. Another thing to take note is always place your baby to sleep on his back and not to the side or stomach. This is a safety precaution for Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). You can also install baby monitors for SIDS so you can monitor from anywhere in the house.

How to make a baby sleep fast

To make a baby sleep fast, there are some good habits that you can introduce them like fixing a sleep schedule for day and night. You can read up everything about this topic from the library and or find a program which can help to shorten your learning curve. (Check out the article we wrote about this topic.)  Do note that strategies may varies depending on the age of your baby. 

A Final tip on How to Calm a Restless Baby

Consider joining a new moms group to learn more soothing techniques and share your experiences. It will be nice to find out that other moms are going through the same things with their newborns. What is your best strategy on how to calm a restless baby? Leave a comment below. You may also like to check out the best co sleeper in the market for your baby.


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Tanya Madsen

Hi, I'm Tanya Madsen, a stay at home mother of 3 and a full time blogger. I participate in Amazon affiliate programs and earn a commission when you click over from our site. It won't cost you an extra dime (in fact you'll usually get a discount), so it's a win-win.

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